Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Image result for the english civil war
Image result for the glorious revolution

The English Civil War broke out due to a violent disagreement between the Puritans and Catholics. This fight would soon lead up to the beheading of Charles II which left England with no king and the country’s people were forced into a military dictatorship. Here, in the state of their land, they were denied basic rights as human beings. This war proved to Thomas Hobbes that religious disagreements could lead to war and violence so he decided that religion would need to be heavily ruled in order for no religious outbreaks to happen. The Glorious Revolution occurred in 1688 when James II was forced to give up his throne. This event lead to Mary, James’ daughter, and her husband, William III, to rule England. The new king and queen made the parliament the major body of England instead of the King. Afterwards, John Locke’s idea of democracy, where people were able to voice their opinions, came up.

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